Painter Gary Garrett demonstrates palette knife painting in this short YouTube video, Heavy Impasto Palette Knife Acrylic Painting Demo - Gary Garrett - Castaway Island.

Working in the studio from a photograph, on an 8" x 10" surface, he used two palette knives (and a razor for scratching into the paint) and mixed his paints with a heavy gloss gel medium to create this piece.

Garrett comments on the process, "This technique sacrifices fine details for a more impressionist style of applying the paint. There's a real FREEDOM in not being concerned about details."

The entire painting took him one hour and eight minutes to paint. Palette knife work goes quickly! In answer to a question about the differences between large and small palette knives, Garrett wrote, "The larger knives are relatively more flexible as the steel is the same be it a small or large knife. When I paint with the small knives, I tend to paint with the tip only and then draw the knife down and away. It takes a bit of planning, but can be very rewarding."
When asked as to his preferences of palette knives, although he has a variety of shapes and sizes from different makers, Garrett keeps coming back to the Loew Cornell J-0 and J-11 palette knives, although he has a variety of shapes and sizes from different makers.
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